Pacy and Wheatley visit Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice

A total of £4,081.93 has been raised, to which 25% Gift Aid will be added; which totals more than £922.23 extra in fundraising for Bluebell Wood. Mandy, a Corporate Fundraiser at Bluebell Wood, took us on a short tour of the building and we were introduced to some of the Care Team members, who work on a daily basis with children and young adults with life shortening conditions and complex medical needs. Bluebell Wood has a very calming, friendly and fun-filled environment that gives children, along with their families and siblings, time to spend together at the toughest of times. The charity, which has to raise more than £3m a year to keep its doors open, is there to provide special memories for families. The building also has two end of life suites for families to stay together when their child has passed away. It made us realise the enormity of the task the Bluebell Wood undertakes each day. Mandy expressed her thanks on behalf of the children, their families, Bluebell Wood staff and volunteers for the efforts of each of the members of the 3 Peaks Challenge Team and to all of those who sponsored them. Again well done to ALL.
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