New Breast Facility, Worksop

  • Client: Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Trust
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Type: Refurbishment
  • Procurement Method: Tender
  • Location: Worksop
  • Project Value:£523,500

The Project

Pacy and Wheatley, healthcare construction company, were delighted to have been awarded the contract to construct a new Breast Care Facility for Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Trust. Works consisted of the development of a number of waiting areas, mammography rooms, specialist consulting rooms together with the refurbishment of WC facilities and circulation corridors. The development was phased to minimise disruption to the hospital services and staff. The project was designed and managed by the in-house estates and development team at Bassetlaw Hospital, with whom we worked closely throughout the construction process.

The Challenge

It was imperative to build a good working relationship with members of staff in the affected departments, due to the close proximity to occupied areas and nature of the works. The need for numerous shutdowns to existing services to allow new connections had the potential to disrupt various departments within the live hospital wards.

To safely remove demolition waste through live circulation corridors within the hospital areas was crucial.

The Solution

Close liaison with the design team and key members of the in house staff ensured that all parties affected by the works were kept informed. Fortnightly meetings were held on site with the estates team and the staff to discuss any concerns or queries. Our site manager would brief the hospital management of any impending shutdowns or significant works on a daily basis. The removal of waste produced during demolition and alteration works was completed out of normal hours to ensure no disruptions were caused or inconvenience for the patients.

Key Achievements

Delivering significant service improvements and modernisation to the Hospital’s specialist facilities under the original budget. Our client was presented with a high standard of finish giving patients comfortable surroundings from the improved services. Working closely with flexible, local contractors to ensure the phased handovers were successfully completed.

Lessons Learned

The importance of close and regular communication with the client’s team on site, to appreciate the impact the works could potentially have and mitigate any problems before they happen. Realising the importance of maintaining site cleanliness as far as practicable when working in and close to live, clinical areas. Establishing a good working relationship from the outset with our site team and contractors ensured flexibility when needed to complete out of hours works.

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